Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Presenting my position paper.

Today I presented my position paper to Mr. Omid and the rest of my class. I started out quite well but could not avoid babbling. I tend to do that when I'm nervous. But overall I managed to talk about my thesis statement which was "The unnamed female protagonist’s hardship on the rites of passage into adulthood was significantly caused by the unfairness of sex-role stereotyping". I also discussed about my supporting details. I talked about the use of diction and the author’s choice of words in developing the theme of sex-role stereotyping. As the characters were a huge factor in development of the theme I included the speech, the thought and the response of few characters. For example the farther, the narrator, the brother and the other female characters. I also talked about another similar short story by Gilman. Gilman in his “The Yellow Wallpaper” explored the same theme of gender stereotyping. I included this in my paper to shown how the authors explored similar theme by developing the characters. After my presentation I meet Mr. Omid to get his views on my presentation. He said I could have included more points from the paper into my presentation slide. I am hopeful that I would be graded well. Till then…

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