Friday, August 8, 2008

2nd meeting with Dr.Nooreen

Today i meet Dr Nooreen for the second time to discuss about the development of my research paper. I had already come up with an thesis statement to start of with.This is my statement:
" The portrayal of the family institution in 'Street car Named desire' and 'Long Days' Journey into night'. After discussing with Dr.Nooreen she advice me to make the statement more specific so that i wont find difficulties when writing the paper. she gave me some suggestion like maybe using the characters and the symbols to talk about the family communication. I also found difficulties on what to write about in the educational implication. She gave me ideas like including theories of family communication and linking it to education.Im glad that Dr.Nooreen was able to help me out so much. Thanks to Dr.Nooreen and now i should start writing my research paper.Till then...

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