Thursday, August 21, 2008

One day Poet

Today I was pleasantly surprised with a visit by some people of the British council. I loved her presence. She was so enthusiastic and interesting. We sort of had learning and sharing session with a poet. It was fun to see her conduct the class with just great personality. She gave a small insight on how to conduct a literature classroom. She gave all of us a poem titled “Lulu”. I loved the first activity she conducted. I read poem every time but I loved the way she asked us to read the poem. She asked us to read the poem silently and then read it aloud as a group. She told us that poetry should be read aloud to be better appreciated. I was surprised that about 100 of us read the poem properly. Later we were asked three questions which were what do we know? What do we think we know? And finally what do we want to know? I think these questions are perfect as set induction and pre reading questions. I loved how she linked these question t make us understand the poem. After understanding the meaning of the poem we continue a session where we had to generate our own poem. When we were asked to present there were varieties of poem. I truly believe that this session with her was so worth while. The impact of the “presentation” is great to me personally and I am sure I’ll use some of her technique during my teaching times. So that till then…

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