Saturday, August 9, 2008

The name is Warhol, Andy Warhol

Today I was looking forward for the class as my course mates told me we would be viewing a movie. I got a front seat so that I would miss anything about the movie. But to my disappointment it was a boring documentary about Andy Warhol. I liked looking at the pictures but how many times can one look at pictures of Marilyn Moore and Campbell soup cans. To tell truth I was so bored I even feel asleep a few times. But I was determined to find out what inspires him to come up with pictures that I don’t find interesting at all. I went online and surf the net to find out more about him. I found out that the art he creates are called pop art. So what is Pop Art you may ask? Through some snooping around the internet I found out that pop art in created by using mass produced visual commodities of popular culture. So by now I knew why Andy Warhol was so into pictures that revolved around popular cultures. As part of the reading assignment I read the diary entries of Andy Warhol edited by Pat Hackett. I noticed that his entries were filled with the Hollywood celebrities. Even though I don’t like his work cause they look up tide to me but he is an artiste and his works are well known by everyone. Till then…

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