Friday, July 25, 2008

First meeting with Dr.Nooreen( My Supervisor)

Today I went to meet my supervisor which is Dr. Nooreen. As this was my first meeting a few of my friends went to meet her to introduce ourselves and seek her guidance to start the research paper. It was quite comforting to know that Dr Nooreen had a fixed particular way of how she wants the research paper to be. She told us about what she is looking for in a good research paper and basically gave us an outline on what she wants. We asked for examples of research paper which she gladly gave us a few. She asked us to include the biography of the writers, a summary and most importantly the analysis and the implication on education. She gave us the freedom to choose our texts and the thesis statement that should be developed. I think the meeting with Dr. Nooreen went well. I got most of the information needed to start off my research paper. I think I will meet her in a week or so to discuss about my thesis statement. Till then...

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