Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The "end" of EDU 3234

So what have I learned from taking the paper. Plenty i must say.I learned the importance of education and the importance of a teacher. I have more texts so that there are a variety of text that can be used in teaching literature. And further more Dr.Edwin actually inspired me to do more learning outside the classroom. I could proudly say that I GET literature now. Its not just about reading the text its about what creates the text. I have done more research on literature texts in this course compared to any other literature courses. I can actually say I can see the literary devices, different choose of word and plenty more in a text now. My work on the position paper and my research paper has also helped me in doing more productive research. But the most important of all is that during this course it has made me to think literature and teaching literature in a clearer and more positive perspective. I would like to thanks Dr. Edwin, my course mates and not forgetting Dr.Nooreen for making my EDU 3234 journey a smooth one. I would like to end by saying 'a teachers purpose is not to create students in his/her own image,but to develop students who can create their own image.Till then...
P/s Good luck for the teaching practice people.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Dream...

Today I read ‘I have A Dream by Martin Luther King, Jr. This speech was delivered on the steps at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. King was considered to be a peaceful warrior. He gave this speech to proclaim his desire for a future where blacks and whites among others would coexist harmoniously as equals. King's speech resembles the style of a Baptist sermon. The repetition of a phrase at the beginning of sentences is a rhetorical tool employed throughout the speech. He also used a lot of oppositional images to show differences. He used words like shadow vs. light, Island vs. ocean, poverty vs. prosperity to highlight the conditions on the Black and his desire for their future. There were plenty of imageries of money used in the speech and King used this to draw attention to the issue of moral bankruptcy of the American Society. I believe this is a great text to use in a classroom. Apart from the rich literary elements to the text, this text also could give an emotional impact to the readers. It could also help in their personal growth where they may take their owe initiative to know more about Martin Luther King and his speech. I think it’s a great achievement to a teacher when their students learn literature outside the classroom.

My research paper journey

After meeting my supervisor for some guidance I started to write my research paper. Basically I talked about the similar devices used to develop the theme of dysfunctional family communication. I discussed mainly analyzed the portrayal of the characters and the use of symbols by the authors. I gave simple definition of what is family and what is family communication.Then I continued to talk about the various issues in each of the stories. In O’Neill’s ‘Long Nights Journey into Night’ I discussed about Mary’s morphine addiction; Tyrone, Jamie, and Edmunds’ alcoholism; Tyrone’s frugality; the sons’ attitude toward work and money. And in William’s ‘Street Car Named Desire’ I discussed about the troubled attitude of Stanley toward his wife and Blanche.I then continued with discussing about the symbols and it relation to the statement of dysfunctional family communication. In ‘Long Day’s Journey into Night’the fog is one of the strongest symbols which in many ways assert the family’s fate. Another devise O’Neill uses is Mary’s glasses to symbolized her inability to see thing clearly. She frequently misplaces them, and really doesn't want to find them because that would force her to face reality, which she desperately tries to hide from. The symbolic use of the shadows and cries and the meat is also evidence of poor family communication in Williams’ Street Car Named Desire’. Both plays had great impact to the educational enterprise. They definitely play an important in educating the students in terms of good judgment; respect to ones self, humanizing the educational system as well as creating a better society.I faced many problems in writing this paper and one was finding suitable words when describing. And also faced constant “writers block” but all is done. I am happy with I wrote my paper. I learned to write with organization, better flow and clearly putting my thought into proper words.It’s a great practice to develop more language skills and not forgetting literature skills.