Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Rainbow

And that was my answer when Dr. Edwin asked me what metaphor I would use to describe myself (a teachers perspective). Of course there were some giggles when I told that.I choose the rainbow because I believe a teacher should portray an image of happiness because in students nowadays have more than learning problems. Many come from broken home. So the teacher and the lesson should be something that should be looked forward and not dreaded. I had a great time listening the others version. They were some that were interesting, some that were funny and then they were some that were outrageous. I like Syamimi’s version where she choose a gardener (a nurturer) and Ira’s a mirror (reflect one’s self for more learning). The funniest would be Nalini’s when she said we sees herself as an ATM machine. I think I’ll remember this one for a long time. I think the rationale behind this activity could be that Dr. Edwin expects us to think and feel like a teacher. And not for getting to bring the lighter side of one.

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